By Rob VirgesHow to Get a Girl to Invest In You May 27, 2017October 29, 2021 #AskCofCattraction, connection, emotions, meeting women "Hey Rob, oftentimes I get into a conversation with a girl and it usually goes smoothly in the beginning, then out of nowhere, it gets stale, it stalls, and she…
By Rob VirgesGoing Out Alone: Part 2 – Practical Tips and Strategies May 23, 2017December 4, 2021 #AskCofCapproaching women, attraction, connection, meeting women, nightlife, social skills In part one of this two-part series, I spent a lot of the time covering the mindset side of getting yourself mentally and emotionally prepared for a night out alone…
By Rob VirgesHow to Move a Girl April 25, 2017October 29, 2021 #AskCofCattraction, connection, emotions, nightlife Student: “I don’t know what happened. I managed to have a really good, long, and intimate interaction with this really cute girl I approached at the bar after I got…
By Rob VirgesHow to Be Smooth April 12, 2017October 29, 2021 #AskCofCattraction, confidence, connection, self-awareness, social skills "A smooth sea never made a skilled sailor." - Franklin D. Roosevelt Just like learning any skill in life that you want to be great at, learning how to connect…
By Rob VirgesHow to Take Risks and Have No Regrets March 26, 2017October 29, 2021 #AskCofCattraction, connection, dating, flirting, love, motivation, relationships “I beg you to take a shot. Roll up on that hot chick in the bar and ask her out. On that good looking dude, and ask him to get…
By Chris LunaBody Language – with Allan Pease February 27, 2017October 28, 2021 Podcastbody language, communication, connection, dating, love, relationships, social skills [soundcloud url="" params="color=#ff5500&auto_play=false&hide_related=true&show_comments=false&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&show_teaser=false" width="100%" height="166" iframe="true" /] Allan Pease is one of the world's top experts on body language and communication. He, along with his co-writer (his wife Barbara) are…
By Rob VirgesHow to Touch a Girl: Part 2 – The Stages of Touch February 21, 2017October 28, 2021 Articlesconnection, emotions, intimacy, seduction, touch “So, I sort of know how to touch a girl but I can still never make it to home plate.” “I already know how to touch a girl but how…
By Chris LunaIf you don’t kiss the first time out with a girl, do you move on? February 20, 2017October 21, 2021 Articlesattraction, connection, dating, intimacy, touch David: If you don’t kiss the first time out with a girl, do you move on? See I think we find each other attractive but I was too passive to…
By Chris LunaHow Important is Dancing in a Night Club? February 18, 2017October 29, 2021 #AskCofCapproaching women, connection, emotions, meeting women, nightlife, seduction Question: Which seduction methods are used most at nightclubs when the main activity is dancing. Dancing should be a major factor in seduction here, right? So how do I learn…
By Rob VirgesHow to Touch a Girl: Part 1 – The Fundamentals February 15, 2017October 28, 2021 Articlesconnection, emotions, intimacy, seduction, touch “How should I touch a girl?” “Won’t I get smacked and have a drink thrown in my face if I decide touched a girl?” “Isn’t it inappropriate to touch a…